Saturday, March 27, 2010

What I Love About Egypt

Since every newspaper you'll buy here seems to be pointing out all the bad stuff (everything they do NOT like) I thought a list outlining what I liked about Egypt would be a good tribute to the country that bore with us this far...And all the list will be from personal experience choosing the 3 major and simple things I love. Somehow, that makes it a little more challenging to make.

1) The mosque I pray the Friday prayer in is located right across the street from a church. Yesterday, at Friday prayer time, Coptic Christians at the church were singing their hymns while the Imam at the mosque was saying the Friday prayer sermon...And for a moment as I passed the two sounds interlaced and it seemed like they were both saying the same thing. Speaking to the same God in different ways. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

2) The dusty smell that the rain produces in Alexandria when it's early in the morning mixing up with the smell of falafil.

3) Night at Cairo by the Nile watching the boats pass.

Strangely, my list did not include the pyramids!



Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Okay! I love this post...from its simplicity to how you described those 3 things you love.

The first one actually gave me goosebumps. The second one made me chuckle =P and I would LOVE to see the 3rd one!

Kudos =D

Hamdy Elgammal said...

Ah G-Chan, I await the day you decide to grace us here in Egypt with a visit...You will just...Really hate it xD

Thanks for stopping by and glad you liked the post ^_^

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Bwhahaha! Thanx for the laugh early this morn =PP Haha you rock!

The only thing that's bothering about Egypt is the pollution, I heard a lot about that, and maybe the driving lol But other than that, I think it's a must visit place =P

Hamdy Elgammal said...

LOL, the driving in Egypt is pretty much our most original creation. Most drivers in Egypt do not...BELIEVE in the idea of lanes. They don't flicker any sort of light when they wanna turn (taxi drivers will just take out their hand from their window if they're turning left and let the passenger take out theirs if they're turning right xD)...

I remember that saying I heard from an Egyptian stand up comedian, 'The greatest advice I took from my driving instructor was: Driving in Egypt is not just about controlling the vehicle, it's about controlling other people' xD