Requesting Meaning!
So I need someone from Belad El Sham (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine) to explain the following Fairouz lyrics for me please =D
-Chalbeyya in 'El Bint El Chalebyya...3yonna lawzeyya'
..from El Bint El Chalebyya.
-Bosta in '3a hadeer el bosta...Kanet na2letna'
...from Hadeer El-Bosta.
-Day3et in 'Men day3et 7emlayeh 3a day3et tanoreen'
...from Hadeer El-Bosta.
-Tehdor in 'Tehdor 3'eneyyat'
...from Sahar El Layali.
-Malla in 'Keyfak enta...Malla enta'
...from Keyfak Enta.
-This sentence from Nasam 3alyna El Hawa:
في منتورة طاقة و صورة خدني لعندن يا هوا
I just don't get it!
-Fai in 'Yezra3 shams wa fai'
...from Sahar El Layali.
Thanks in advance to whomever can explain =D
Usually when I listen to Fairouz, I just skip the parts that I don't understand.
Now that you've listed some, it would be very interesting to know their meanings!
Yeah, I always skipped em too! Until recently! Update though: I got the meaning of 'Chalabeyya' to be 'Beautiful' and the phrase, 'Mantoora, Ta2a wa Soor, 5edny le3endon ya hawa' to be places in Lebanon (Mantoura, Ta2a, Soor) that she wants to visit...But not sure of that last one!
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