Tagged by Kitten - 7 Random Facts
Wow. This is my first tag. Like ever.
I sound pathetic. Let's just get on with the thing.
So, here's how it goes: I take the chance to tell you seven facts about myself. Then tag one person for every single stinking one! Why did I use the word 'stinking' when it was clearly unneeded? Because I felt like it! That's my eighth extra fact.
1) I enjoy waiting. I can wait forever and still be happy. I do a lot of thinking in waiting time and I listen to this huge amount of music. Occasioanlly (like today, for instance) I can even get an idea for a piece of writing as I wait.
2) I hate small talk and suck at it. I cannot talk in an elevator and I end up saying the weirdest shit if I'm too nervous or too occupied with something else. And by the 'weirdest shit' I mean stuff like, 'Okay, see you later, you care take'...That kind of stuff.
3) I despise studying on weekdays and enjoy it on holidays. I have no idea why it works that way for me, but it just does.
4) I hate the mousepad on my laptop. I think mousepads are about the most ridiculous invention. And I don't really care if they're useful on airplanes, either. Because I hate them. Like, I really do. Now shut up and stop trying to retaliate.
5) This is the third time I'm writing this set of facts because I was not sure the first 14 were any good.
6) I love the feeling of being under the blanket on my bed when it's raining outside.
7) I use 'lol' in MSN conversations for multiple purposes among them to express the thought, 'So just WTF am I supposed to say now?'
Now. The fun part! Gotta tag seven others...Let's see:
Wow, I like the blogs of six women and one guy.
No wonder nobody reads me!
Concerning #1, I have 0% patience.
Thanks for replying to the tag, plus, I'm a regular reader to your blog it's just that I'm too lazy to leave any comments.
Thank you for your kind tag. I do appologize for being a lazy and my new reason is zi takes a bit of my time
Hope all is well with you
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